Magic Classes and Public Events
Most classes cost $20.00 each.
All classes are FREE for members of Monty's Magic Apprentice Program.
You can find out more information about Monty's Magic Apprentice Program and this calendar below the calendar.
Learn Magic
Join Monty's Apprenticeship Program
Amaze your friends, family, and coworkers.
Monty offers private lessons, online Zoom classes, and live classes in Monty's Secret Theater.
Anyone carn learn a magic trick but only a few learn to master the art of magic.
Monty offers lessons for beginners and advanced professional magicians.
About the Calendar
The clendar includes two types of informatiln.
Information about the magic classes and information about our public shows.
Simply click on the event to see more information about it.
Abbrevations: ct = card tricks, rt = rope tricks, mrt = mind reading trick
Monty's Magic Theater
309 E Kimberly Ave
Kimberly, WI 54136
Call, Text, or email