Square Knot

Square Knot

Hold up a 4 inch long piece of rope by one end. Swing it gently back and forth while you talk about learning to tie knots in the Boy or Girl Scouts or in the Navy. Catch the other end in your other hand and hold up both ends of the rope so that it hangs down in a loop. By now the audience should be convinced, without you saying anything about the rope itself, that it is a plain un-gimmicked rope.

Tie a Square Knot in the rope. Say as you tie, 'Let me see, now, that's right over left and then left over right, I think. If I did that right, I mean correctly, it should make a square knot.' At this point toss the loop of knotted rope up and catch the two sides. When you pull the sides gently apart the whole rope forms an eight inch square with the knot on top. Hold it up so that everyone can see and say, 'Yes, I guess that's about as square as a knot can get.

To create this special Square Knot rope get four feet rope from a hardware store and pull out the center core. You will need two 8 inch sticks to make the two opposite sides of the square rigid. Slide the two sticks inside the center of teh rope rope with 8 inch of rope left between them and 12 inch at either end. Glue the sticks to the rope inorder to hold them in place. Glue the rope ends of the rope so that they won't fray. Tie the rope so that it forms a perfect square. Use a pen to mark where the knot is on the rope so that the next time you tie it you will know how tight to pull the rope before you reveal the surprise Square Knot.

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Free Trick

Monty's Magic Theater
309 E Kimberly Ave
Kimberly, WI 54136

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